A 50 years old man presented with a growth mass in the right eye of two weeks duration. Biopsy of the mass followed by light microscopy was suggestive of plasmacytoma and the diagnosis was confırmed by immunohistochemical stains. Systemic work up was positive. The diagnosis of secondary orbital plasmacytoma was made. The patient received local radiotherapy and chemotherapy. As it is seldomly seen, a case of secondary orbital plasmacytoma presenting as an orbital mass is reported.
Keywords: Multiple myeloma, Orbital mass, Plasmacytoma50 yaşında erkek hastaya sağ gözde iki hafta içinde oluşan kitle nedeniyle biyopsi uygulandı. Işık mikroskobi ve imundokukimyasal boyamada plasmositom tanısı kondu. Sistemik taramada multipl myelom tanısı doğrulandı. Olguya multipl myeloma bağlı gelişen orbital plasmositom tanısı kondu. Radyoterapi ve kemoterapi uygulandı. Orbital kitle şeklinde ortaya çıkan nadir bir sekonder orbital plazmositom olgusunu sunmak istedik.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Multipl miyelom, Orbital kitle, Plazmositom