Objective: The current study aims to contribute to the identification of distinctive histomorphological findings of BRCA-associated high-grade ovarian carcinomas.
Methods: The study was planned to include high-grade serous carcinoma cases diagnosed in 2020-2021. The histopathological features of the groups with and without BRCA mutation were evaluated comparatively in the tumor slides of the cases.
Results: Solid/pseudo-endometrioid/transitional cell carcinoma-like growth pattern and high mitotic rates were observed more frequently in the BRCA mutation group than in those without mutations, which was statistically significant. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of significant nuclear pleomorphism, frequency of necrosis, and prominent tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.
Conclusion: Pathologists may play a crucial role in detecting BRCA mutations in patients without a family history of carcinoma. In this respect, it should be kept in mind that BRCA mutations may be present in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma cases with solid/pseudo-endometrioid/transitional carcinoma-like growth pattern, necrosis, prominent nuclear pleomorphism, high mitotic activity and prominent tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes.