Kawasaki syndrome is a multisystemie. Vasculitis predominantly affecting medium sized arteries. It causes aneurysm formation in coronary arteries and other middle-sized arteries of the body in 15-25% of the patients. Hypertension due to affected renal arteries is reported as a late stage complication. Five years old boy, admitted to hospital with elevated prolonged temperature, swelling on the neck, and erythematous rashes on the trunk was diagnosed as a Kawasaki syndrome with prolonged high fever, left cervical nonpurulent lymphadenomegaly sized 1.5x2x2 cm, maculopapular rash and bilateral nonexudative conjunctivitis. His blood pressure was measured 170/110 mm Hg during his first physical examination. Echocardiography, p-ANCA, c-ANCA, VMA, ANA, direct coombs, renal scintigraphy, renal magnetic resonans angiography, had done to make differential diagnosis with the other vasculitic syndromes, were found in normal ranges, but plasma renin level was found high. Intravenous immunglobulin, acetyisalicylic acid and three antihypertensive drugs were used in the treatment and antihypertensive theraphy was discontinued at the 19th day of the therapy. He has been followed up since one year, with 3 months intervals and his systemic examination is found normal. The case was preserıted hecause of the associated hypertension which is an unusual manifestation in the early stage of the disease.