Viscemi leishmaniasis is a protozoal infection characterised by fever, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, hypergammaglobulinemia and weight lass. It shows epidemiological differences according to geographical regions. A nine year old girl has attended to our out-patient cllnic with the complaints of fatique, tiredness and skin rashes. There were pancytopenia and splenomegaly on her physical and labaratory examinations. Leishmania amastigots were detected on her bone marrow biopsy material. Alsa, Leishmania IgG and formal gel test were found to be positive. Leishmania is grown on the bone marrow culture. With the light of thesel indings, she was diagnosed as visceral leishmaniasis and tiposomal Amphotericin B treatment was started. Due to the fact that skin lesions are not common in viscemi leishmaniasis; two skin biopsies, doppler ultrsonography and soft tissue magnetic resonance imaging examinations were performed to define them. But we could not be able to make any specilic diagnosis. The rashes began to resolve spontaneously 3 months after the induction of Amphotericin - B therapy. The skin lesions were completely improved one year and there was no recurrence two years after therapy. So, we concluded that the skin lesions were due to visceral leishmaniasis because of apparent improvements on the biopsy findings and magnetic resonance examination.