A Neonatal Case of Congenital Hyperinsulinism Due to Homozygous KCNJ11 Gene Mutation
Case report
P: 163 - 167

A Neonatal Case of Congenital Hyperinsulinism Due to Homozygous KCNJ11 Gene Mutation

Anatol J Gen Med Res 2017;27(2):163-167
1. İ̇zmir Dr. Behçet Uz Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery Education And Research Hospital, Department Of Pediatric, İzmir, Turkey
2. İ̇zmir Dr. Behçet Uz Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery Education And Research Hospital, Department Of Neonatal İntensive Care Unit, İzmir, Turkey
3. İ̇zmir Dr. Behçet Uz Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery Education And Research Hospital, Department Of Pediatric Endocrinology, İzmir, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 2016-06-09T10:55:26
Accepted Date: 2017-08-16T14:47:19


Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is one of the most common cause of recurrent or persistent severe hypoglycemia in the neonatal period and early infancy. Although the incidence may vary widely among different populations, the sporadic rates in the general population is approximately 1/40,000-50,000 live births. The incidence of the familial forms may be as high as 1/2,500 in certain communities like Arabs, Ashkenazi Jews and Turks, in which consanguineous marriages are common. Genetic disorders of the pathways of insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells, are frequently held responsible for the etiology. However the ratio of the identified mutations to date is nearly 50%. The most common genetic defects found in CHI are inactivating mutations in the ABCCS and KCNJ11 genes, which are located on chromosome 11p and encode for the SUR1 and Kir 6.2 subunits of the KATP channel. Here we report a newborn infant diagnosed as CHI due to homozygous KCNJ11 gene mutation with the aim of emphasizing the importance of CHI in the differential diagnosis of persistent neonatal hypoglycemia and attracting attention to the necessity of further genetic studies in the presence of strong familial history.

Congenital Hyperinsulinism, KCNJ11 protein, Case Reports