A New Consept In Macromastia: Breast Volome Coefficient
P: 57 - 62

A New Consept In Macromastia: Breast Volome Coefficient

Anatol J Gen Med Res 2010;20(2):57-62
1. Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 1.Cerrahi Kliniği, İzmir
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Received Date: 2015-05-18T16:24:15


AIM: To search the impact of body mass index (BMI) upon breast volume. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The impact of BMI on breast volume was evaluated by using a new coeffıcient: Breast volume coeffıcient (BVC) was calculated by dividing measured breast volume to BMI. Our study has three parts: first on the 352 healthy breasts, second on another 968 healthy breasts measured breast volumes were correlated by BMI. Third study was on 99 breasts of patients undergoing reduction mammaplasty. These patients's breast volume was calculated by adding specimen weight to postoperative measured breast volume. Calculated breast volume was named as trie breast volume. BVC values were correlated by true breast volumes in each case. All breast measurements were made by Grossman-Roudner Disc (GRD) method. FINDINGS: In fırst part of study, Average BVC vvas found as 25,35 and 50 for the breast volumes of 700.1000 and 1500 ml respectivelv. These figures were determined as 24,32 and 50 for the sam e breast volumes in the second part of the study. BVC could not be determined fort the breast volume of 700ml,but it was 30 for 1000 ml,40 for 1200 ml and 50 for 1500 ml and 60 for 2000 ml, in third part of the study. CONCLUSION: It seems that BVC is a new parameter to evaluate the degree of breast volume more objectivelv. But for a more clear understanding of its meaning, we need further and prospective studies calculating BVC from specimen volumes of total mastectomy patients.

Breast Volume Measurement, Grossman-Roudner Disc Method, Macromastia Classification. Reduction Mammaplasty Indication