Collecting data related to sexuality guides the nurse in assessment of sexual problems and concerns, as well as being a crucial part of the reproduction history. But, getting the sexual history is most often neglected by the nurses and other health care professionals due to a wide variety of reasons. However, a nurse can promote the patient's quality of care through a proper data collection by using appropriate communication techniques, uncovering and accepting the individual's feelings, allowing the discussion of the problems related to altered sexual life, helping the identifıcation of potential sexual problems associated with the disease and its treatment, making recommendations and ensuring that the patient complies with the treatment and care plan. Therefore, a number of model s and methods have been developed for clinicians to be used in data collection related to sexual health and in order to approach patients' sexual problems. Regardless of which one of these models is used the questions to be asked should be specially selected and individualized for each patient; therefore, questions should be internally progressive. In addition, the fact that an objective nurse who protects the privacy of the individual and acts as a professional during interview concerning data collection is a vital factor facilitating the data collection toward sexual life.