AIM: Eosophaycil atresia seen approximately in 1/1000-1/2000 live birth, develops on 3rd-6th-weeks of embryologic period. Frequency is higher among hidroamniotic and premature babies. Although not exactly known; incidence of congenital anomalies that accompany eosophageal atresia is about 40-50 percent. We searched our rate of accompanying anomalies in 17autopsy cases with eosophageal atresia. MATERIAL and METOD: 17 perinatal autopsy cases with eosophageal atresia performediri SSK Tepecik Teaching Hospital between 1993-19% were reviewed for the type of atresia, accompanying congenital anomalies and acquired lung pathologies. FINDINGS: While 4 out of 17 cases vvere with other syndromes (2 VATER association, 1 polysplenia syndrome, 1 Prune Belly syndrome, 7 cases were not associated with any syndroms or showed involving one or more systems, (cardioasculer system 3, anal atresia 2, renal anomalies) anomalies 2, skeletal anomalies 2) There were no othcr extra anomalies in six cases in our series. CONCLUSION: Anal atresia frequently accompany eosophageal atresia (4/17) and anomaly rate are higher among low birth weight babies (5/5).