Assesment of The Clinicians’ Expectations From The Radiology Reports And Overall Satisfaction With The Radiology Department in Our Hospital
P: 131 - 141

Assesment of The Clinicians’ Expectations From The Radiology Reports And Overall Satisfaction With The Radiology Department in Our Hospital

Anatol J Gen Med Res 2010;20(3):131-141
1. İzmir Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Radyoloji Bölümü
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Received Date: 2015-05-18T16:24:15


PURPOSE: To analyze the clinicians’ attitudes towards, and expectations from, and satisfaction with the radiology reports. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A questionnaire study was performed on 110 clinicians working in our hospital in order to analyze the attitudes, expectations and satisfaction related to the radiology reports. A 5-point Likert scale was used for the items related to attitudes and expectations. For the overall performance of the Radiology services, participants were requested to score the adequacy of radiologic reports over a 10-point scale. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach alpha analysis. The results were correlated with age, sex and the clinical was divided into as branch (surgical or non-surgical). FINDINGS: The questionnaire was found to be reliable by Cronbach alpha analysis (?=0,82.). There was no statistical correlation between the answers and the clinical branch and sex. Relatively older participants (>51 years) do not care about the preliminary remark regarding whether the ultrasonography examination is satisfactory or not (p<0,01). Participants less than 40 years had less satisfaction with the overall Radiology report quality. The results were evaluated individually or in groups to reach the final conclusions. CONCLUSION: Clinicians emphasize that a Radiology report should be functional, rather than too short or too long, with a standardized text format. A final impression or conclusion section was regarded as the most valuable section in the text. Clincians evalaute the report as a communication process in which the primary target is the clinician, i.e. They don’t want the radiologist to communicate verbally with the patients about further clinical suggestions, although they should be stressed in the report. Also, patients’ perception of the report is of secondary importance. They think that communication process can be improved by providing more clinical information in the imaging request forms.

Clinico-radiologic correlation Diagnostic radiology, Quality of reports, Radiology reports