A 3080 gr male infant was born during the 39 week of gestation. On physical examination, he had extensive absence of skin affecting both lower extremities including feet and had bullous lesions in both hands, more pronounced on the left. Moreover, he had nail dystrophies on both hands. He was diagnosed as Bart syndrome with the findings including aplasia cutis, epidermolysis bullosa and dysrophic nails. Systhemic and local antibacterial and antifungal treatments were started and he was discharged at fifth week after birth after family education. Bart syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by conjenital skin defects (aplasia cutis), epidermolysis bullosa and dystrophic nails. Several hypothesis have been suggested to explain the co-existance of aplasia cutis and epidermolysis bullosa. Most commonly accepted hypothesis is that, cutis aplasia emerges due to the friction of affected lower extremities during intrauterne period.