Cardiac Troponin-T has been shown to be a sensitive and spesific marker for myocardial cell damage. In this study, we measured cardiac Troponin-T in 37 patients with unstable angina pectoris vs. 30 controls by newly developed enzyme-inmmunassay to determine its prognostic value. The patients are divided into three group according to the severity of anjina in the Braun wald classification. TroponinT was detected in 3 of 12 patients with class I angina. Troponin-T was not detected in any of the class II patients. 11 of the 18 patients with class III a had detectable level of Tropoinin-T. Of the 11 patients who were positive for Troponin-T, 4 had myocardial infarction within 24 hours and other 5 patients needed emergent angiography. Troponin-T predicted the poor outcome in patient with acute angina at rest (class III), with 88% sensitivity and 66% specifity. We suggest the routine use of Troponin-T in patients with acute angina pectoris at rest may be helpful to estimate the cardiac risk.