In this study, 250 intoxicated subjects that have been followed in İzmir SSK Tepecik Teaching Hospital, Pediatric Clinics, were evaulated retrospectively. The mean age of the subjects were 3.8±3.0 (ranges 6 month-14 year, F/M ratio=1.36). The ratio of these intoxicated patients to the total of patients hospitalized in the same period was found to be 0.8%. Analgesics-antipyretics (16.0%), tranquilisant-antidepressants (12%), cardiogenic drugs (10.8%), insectisides (10.4%), organic phosphates (10.4%), solvents (10%), chlorines (8.4%), hormones (2.8%) were among the most frequently encountered toxic agents respectively. Seventeen subjects had attemped a suicide while three of them had been iatrogenically intoxicated and all the others accidentally. All of the suicide cases were in adolescent age group between 3-5 years of age (mean age 10.8 years, F/M ratio=1.42) while most of the patients were approximately. Overall mortality was found to be 0.8%.