Objective of this study was to compare the efficiency and the efficacy of a new method of fallopian tube sperm perfusion (FSP) and intrauterin insemination (IUI) for couples with un- explained infertility. This study was achieved at the department of infertility in SSK Ege Maternity and Women's Teaching Hospital, Yenişehir izmir. Total of 73 couples with un-explained infertility were treated randomly by FSP or IUI. during the period between November 1993 and October 1994. HMG ampoules were used for superovulation. A classical swim-up technic was used for sperm preparation. In the IUI treatment, the inseminate had the volume of 0.5 ml and in the FSP treatment the inseminate had a volume of 4 mi. The two groups were similar in terms of age of the females, the number of follicules > 15 mm in diameter, the serum E2 concentration, endometrial thickness on the day of hCG administration and the number of total motile spermatozoa (p>0. 05). In the FSP group, 36 patients were given a total of 68 treatment cycles and 11 clinical pregnancies occured giving a pregnancy rate of %16.1 per cycle and %30.5 for patient, wheras in the IUI group, 37 patients were given a total of 70 treatment cyles, 9 clinical pregnancies occured giving a pregnancy rate of %12.8 per cycle and %24.3 per patient (p>0.05).