Our purpose is to compare hysterosalpingography and laparoscopic findings in infertile women. The study was achieved at SSK Ege Maternity and women's Teaching Hospital, Infertility Department- İzmir Four hunderd sixty eight infertile patients evaluated by both hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy were carried out retrospectively. According to hysterosalpingographlic results, patients were divided into three groups; normal, abnormal and suspicious. Normal (n= 188), Abnormal (n=46) and Suspicious (n=234) groups were aproved by laparoscopy 94.1%, 93.4% and 58.9% respectively. Specificity and sensitivity in normal and abnormal groups were 93.47% and 94.14% hovvever, negative and positive predictive values were79.62% and 98.33% respectively. When the suspicious group was included into the abnormal group, specificity, sensitivity, negative and positive predictive values were found 64.6%, 94.4%, 94.2% and 64.2% respectively. We have emphasized that patients who had hysterosalpingographic examination, should be re-evaluted by laparoscopy in order to increase the specificity, sensitivity, negative and positive predictive values.