In this study our majör goal is to establish which one of intraoperative techniques; frozen section and imprint cytology is superior and to assess the accuracy of the each of the intraoperative techniques. 381 surgical biopsies sent to our pathology laboratory from different clinics, imprint preperations and frozen sections were made intraoperatively, between 1992 March- 1995 January. Intraoperative results based on imprint cytology and frozen section tecchniques were compared by the final diagnoses based on paraffin- embedded block sections. On overall frozen section diagnoses we had 254 true positive, 104 true negative, 14 false positive, 9 false negative diagnoses. Positive predictive value was 94.6% and the negative predictive vaule89.7 %, and the accuracy was 93.9% On overall imprint cytology diagnoses we had true positive 261, true negative 101, false positive 8, false negative 11 diagnoses. Positive predictive values was 97.2% and the negative predictive values 90.1 % and the accuracy was 95% Diagnostic accuracy of the each technique was evaluated by chea- square test on both malignant and benign cases (p>0.05). In order to determine wich one was superior binomial test was used. (p> 0.05). There was no significant difference in accuracy.