In our study, we compared the laryngeal mask (LM) with tracheal tube (TT), according to their effect on vocal functions, frequency of sore throat and early postoperative complications. Forty ASA I-II patients aged between 19-70 years, undergoing elective operations on general surgery, gynecology, urology and orthopedics were included in our study. Patients were di- vided into two randomized groups. Following fentanyl, propofol, vecuronium bromide induction, LM was inserted in the first group (n-20), Second group (n-20) was intubated using tracheal tube. After termination of the operation decurarisation was established using 0.03 mg/kg neostigmin and 0.015 mg/kg atropine sulfate among the patients in whom swallow reflexes, muscular tonicity returned, and who breathed spontaneously, LM was removed in the first group, and the second group was extubated. The patients were assessed for coughing, breath holding, vomiting, sore throat, vocal cord functions immediately after recovering from anaesthesia; for vomiting, sore throat and vocal cord functions 60 minpostoperatively, for sore throat and vocal functions after 6 and 24 hours postoperatively. Complications such as coughing and breath-holding were found more frequenctin the TT group. LM caused sore throat and vocal dysfunction less frequenfly than TT. As a result, we concluded that LM, which causes less complications than TT, would be a convenient method in selected cases and may be routinely used.