Megalourethra is a rare congenital disordjer involving the anterior urethra.Megalourethra is subdivided into two types: Fusiform arıd scaphoid. Two cases of scaphoid type megalourethra are reported. The first patient, a 5 weeks old infant diagnosed at birth as having the prune belly syndrome was admitted to the hospital with vomiting and failure to thrive. Intravenous pyelogram revaled marked dilatation of the left ureter and a bladder diverticulum. Micturition cystourethrography showed a sac-like dilatation of the penile urethra. A penil urethrostomy was performed. His problems resolved and he was discharged from the hospital on follow up on an outpatient basis. Later he underwent left ureteroneocystostomy and left orchiodopexy. Nesbitt procedure was planned but his family refused it. The second patient, born to healthy parents after an uneventful pregnancy and delivery, was found to have an enlarged and deformed penis. The baby voided with a poor stream and a concomitant swelling of the penis was noted. Retrograde urethrography showed a sac-like dilatation of the penile urethra. Surgical revision was carried out a 2 stage procedure and was completed (Nesbitt's operation) after 4 months.The patient did well postoperatively and voided with a normal stream without any abnormality of the penil shaft.