SARS-CoV-2 disease has become an important health problem for all countries because it is highly contagious. There is no proven and approved treatment to treat the disease. Management of the disease is mainly based on supportive therapy, treatment of symptoms, and prevention of respiratory failure. The antiviral effects of remdesivir, favipiravir, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, ritonavir / lopinavir, inteferon-α, and other potential drugs are promising for COVID-19 treatment. The roles of teicoplanin, monoclonal antibody and immunomodulators in treatment are being investigated. Considering that COVID-19 is milder and more moderate in pediatric patients than an adult, treatment options are more limited. However, clinical studies continuing at full speed in order to develop effective vaccine and treatment methods against the virus. In this review, treatment recommendations for pediatric patients are summarized