Differentialdiagnostic problems in fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)of breast is reviewed. A spectrum, m which there is a definitive diagnosis is difficult or impossible to made, is defined as a gray zone in FNAC of breast.This zone inelude tubular adenomas, tubular carcinomas, phyllodes tumors/intraductal papillomas, well differentiated papillary carcinomas, in situ carcinomas, mucocele- like tumors, colloid carcinomas, lobular carcinomas and some apocrine carcinomas, fibroadenomas, metaplastic, lactational or reactive changes, and some benign processes. In an attempt to better understand gray zone a cytologic comparison among cytologically lookalike lesions was done in this article. A necessity of an accepted, uniform system with regard to adequacy of specimen and diagnostic categories in breast cytology was also stressed.