Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of levonorgestrel intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) in idiopathic menorrhagia and menorrhagia due to uterine myoma. Material and Method: We analysed the medical records of 107 women who received LNG-İUD due to menorrhagia between May 2011 – June 2012. 36 women with uterin fibroids (Group 1) and 71 women with idiopathic menorrhagia (Group 2) were compared with regard to hemoglobin level, myoma volume, uterine volume and changes in symptom for menorrhagia six months after LNG-İUD insertion. Findings: Use of the LNG-IUD was associated with reduction in the total uterin volume in both group but it is not statistically significant. Reduction in the myoma volume (3,1±2cm³) in group 1 is statistically significant (p=0,04).Hemoglobin changes after LNG- İUD showed significant increase in both groups (Group 1: 3,1±1, group2: 3,6±1,5) (p=0,04 ve p=0,04) Menstrual blood loss was reduced in both groups. Conclusion: Use of the LNG-IUD was associated with reduction in the myoma volume and menstrual blood flow and increase in hemoglobin level.