Aim: Antrochoanal polyps are distinct clinical entities with unclear etiology and fairly uniform symptoms. They are seen more frequently in children and young adults. The proposed treatment for antrochoanal polyps is surgery. Nowadays, endoscopic approach or endoscopic approach combined with Caldwell procedure is more preferred. The aim of the study was to examine the choanal polyps which were operated by endoscopic approach combined with Caldwell procedure in our clinic, retrospectively. Methods: 28 patients with the ages of 13 to 44 years, operated at Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, E.N.T. and Head & Neck Surgery Department between June 2001-April 2005 were included in the study. Endoscopic examination were done and paranasal sinus computed tomography seans were evaluated for all patients before the operation. Patients were operated by endoscopic approach combined with Caldwell procedure. Results: In the 14 of the 28 patients within the studıthe polyps ohginated from right antrum, while in the other half, the polyps ohginated from left antrum. It was detected that the polyps ohginated from postehor, lateral, medial and anterior wall of the maksillar sinus in 11, 9, 4 and 4 patiens,respectiuely. Within the follow-up period, ranging from 6 to 51 months (median 21 months), recurrences were observed in 2 patients (7.1%). No complication was seen in any of the patiens. Conclusion: Endoscopic approach combined with Caldwell prosedure providing easy manuplation, and approach for the whole sinus can decrease the relapse rate and the operation time.