Aim: Obesity is a disease that occurs as a result of abnormal or excessive body fat tissues. This study aims the evaluation of patients applied to Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Obesity Policlinic in the first 4 months period. It attempts to put forward the profiles of a third step health institution patients in regard to the follow up of obesity and related health problems which is a subject of first step health institutions in particular. Material and Method: The patients applied to Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Obesity Policlinic between November 2012 and February 2013 are evaluated retrospectively. The body mass indexes (BMI) of patients were calculated and they are accepted as overweight, obese or morbid obese according to their BMIs in between 25-29,9, 30-39,9 and >40 respectively. Besides, their LDL values, additional illnesses and drug utilization histories were also questioned. Findings: While 95 (22,30%) of the patients were male, 331 (77,70%) of them were female and the average age of 426 patients in total was 44,10+12,71(min: 16-max: 77). As the average BMI of the patients was calculated as 35,04+5,69 (min: 25- max: 56); 63 (14,79%) patients were recorded as overweight, 265 (62,21%) patients were recorded as obese and 98 (23%) were recorded as morbid obese. The LDL values were under 100, between 100&130 and above 130 at 211 (49,53%), 130 (30,52%) and 85 (19,95%) patients respectively. While additional illnesses were determined at 335 patients, the prevailing accompanying ones were hypertension at 148 (44,18%) and diabetes at 99 (29,55%) patients. Furthermore, various illnesses such as hyperlipidemia, thyroid dysfunctions, chronically obstructive lung disease, arthritis and depressive disorder were determined at different rates. It is observed that the first and second prevalently used drugs related with these illnesses were antihypertensives at 113 (%42,16) patients and oral antidiabetics at 80 (%29,85) patients. Conclusion: Adult patients of all age groups apply to obesity policlinics and morbid obesity is determined at approximately one fourth of these patients. Many illnesses accelerating the morbidity; notably hypertension and diabetes, accompany obesity. Integrated health care and management is the fundamental principle in dealing with obese patients.