The aim of our study is the evaluation of the clinicopathological features; treatment approaches and differences in prognostic factors between breast cancer patients 40 and under years of age and 70 and over years of age
Patients 40 and under (Group 1) and 70 and over (Group 2) years of age who had surgical intervention for invasive breast carcinoma were evaluated retrospectively in terms of histological type, surgical procedure, axillary involvement and factors affectin gprognostic parameters.
Twenty-seven patients were included to study. Fifteen (55.6%) patients were in Group 1 and 12(44.6%) were in group 2.Breast-conserving surgery was performed for 7(46%) patients of group 1and 2 (16%) of group 2. In comparison of groups,there were statistically significant difference in group 2 in terms of operation type (p=0.021).There were no significant difference between groups in terms of histopathological results(p>0.05), however, results of group 1 patients were different when they were compared to each other (p=0,001).%66,7 of group 1 and %33,3 of group 2 patients were considered as early stage. There were significant difference in group 2 patients, in terms of estrogen and progesteron receptor expression and classification of molecular subtypes(p<0,05).
Patients with breast cancer in younger/older ages has similar tumor behaviour; besides, each group has unique parameters affecting prognosis.