AIM: Evaluation of the health information website about radiological imaging procedures (www.radyolojibilgilendirme.org) through a questionnaire study. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The compatibility of the the website with the previously defined institutional criteria, as summarized by Kim et al., was evaluated through a questionnaire study. The participants were expert physicians or residents working in clinical branches. The approval and/or disapproval of the participants related to the items were assessed with a five point Likert scale. Reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach's alpha test. T-test and one-way analysis of variance were used to evaluate the affect of gender and medical expertise, respectively. FINDINGS: The questionnaire was found to be reliable (a=0,77). Scores given to the items in the questionnaire were generally above-average (>3). Gender and level of expertise had no influence to the results (p>0,05). The items with average score of <3 were ragarded as "remarks vvhich need to be improved and updated". CONCLUSION: The compatibility of the website with the previously defıned institutional criteria has an average level of approval, however, the website needs to be improved and updated with regard to the design, external links, references, evidence of information and lack of the user statistics and suitability to a targeted audience.