Aim: Exclusively breastfeeding is sufficient for infants during the first six months. Maternal education on breastfeeding, socio-cultural features of families are influencing factors on duration of breastfeeding. The aim of the present study was to investigate the factors which may have effect on duration of breastfeeding. Methods: The study included 526 infants (age range 12-24 months) who were treated in our hospital. Infants with congenital anomalies and chronical diseases, preterm babies were excluded. The data related to the factors which may have effect on the duration of breastfeeding were obtained from the questionnaire form completed by the infants' mothers. Results: The percentage of breastfeeding shorter than six months uwas 32.1%. No significant difference was found between this group and those with breastfeeding longer than six months in terms of age and educational status of parents, the professions and workout permission for breastfeeding of mothers and the ratio of the mothers starting hreastfeeding within sixty minutes after delivery. In contrast, the birth weight of the infants breastfed shorter than six months was significantly low (p=0.000) and the ratio of mothers trained for breastfeeding was found significantly higher for the group with breastfeeding longer than six months (p=0.02). Neverthless, the ratio of pacifier usage was statistically higher in the infants breastfed less than six months. (p=0.000). Conclusion: To maintain breastfeeding longer than six months, mothers should be trained before and after labour. Infants with low birth weight should be followed up closely and pacifier usage shoud be avoided for the infants on breastfeeding.