In this study, it’s aimed to find out the frequency of chronic fatigue syndrome among nurses who had attended a congress.
A questionnare, with 20 questions, that is improved to evaluate chronic fatigue syndrome
symptoms is applied to 120 volunteer nurses who are working in different departments in 2012.
21.6% of the nurses (n: 26) gave answers that are harmonious with fatigue. 86.6% of the nurses (n: 104) among 120 volunteers declared that they expose to stress in their working conditions. Besides; ratio of the nurses who always feel themselves tired, exhausted and fatigued. According to further examinations of these nurses, frequency of chronic fatigue syndrome is detected as 5% (n: 6) for our study group.
Chronic fatigue syndrome frequency is found 5% among nurses for our study sample. This level is lower than the levels in studies for Turkey, but quite high than the levels detected in different countries. More researches must be done on this subject.