Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most common form of chronic thyroiditis. In this paper, we report the results of 22 cases operated for goitre whom postoperative pathological examinations revealed Hashimoto thyroiditis. 21 patients were euthyroid and one was hyperthyroid, preoperatively. Thyroidal hyperplasia was multinodular in 14, solitary nodular in 6 and bilaterally diffuse in 2 of the patients. Bilateral near total, subtotal and unilateral subtotal lobectomies were performed in 2, 15 and 5 patients, respectively. Postoperative follow-up ranged between 10-114 months with a mean of 51.5. Three patients had nodular recurrences of Hashimoto thyroiditis and were treated with L-thyroxin subtitutions.
Lymphocytic thyroiditis, Struma lymphomatosa