A 58 year old male complaining from fatigue and enlargement of the spleen during last 3 years was admitted.His uncle had been undergone a splenectomy in his family history.There were the enlargement of spleen (15 cm from arcus costarum)and the liver (3cm from arcus costarum)on his examination.His laboratory findings were: Hb: 5.2gr,reticulocyte 41 %, 30 percent spherocytosis in periferal blood smear.Direct and indirect Coombs tests were negative.Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase level was normal.There was increased activity of erythropoiesis in his bone marrow exam.Osmotic fragility of his erythrocytes has increased.He experienced no complication after splenectomy.
Adult, familiary, hemolytic anemia, hepato-splenomegaly, spherocytosis