AIM: Non-palpable lesions of the breast have to be mammographically localized with the aid of a needle before excision. The method of localization can be mammographic, ultrasonographic, with conventional methods, or with perforated mammographic grid. The mammographic findings necessitating needle localization prior to biopsy are, micro-calcifications, mass lesions, and asymmetric densities. MATERIAL and METHOD: We have 302 cases that are mammographically needle localized and biopsied. RESULTS: Among these cases 212 (%70) were diagnosed as malignant lesions. The bening lesions were clasfield as; fibrocystic changes-sclerosing adenosis; 124 (58.4 %), fibroadenoma; 76 (35.9 %), intraductal papillomatosis; 4 (1.8%), radial scar; 5 (2.4 %), fat necrosis; 3 (1.4 %). The malignant lesions were classifield as; invasive ductal carcinoma; 5 (5.6 %), cribriform carcinoma; 11 (12.2%), ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS); 28(31.1%), lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS); 5 (5.6%), invasive lobular-invasive ductal carcinoma; 6 (6.6%). In addition, five cases (5.6%) were diagnosedas glycogen rich carcinoma; 2, signet ring celi carcinoma; 1 tubular carcinoma; 2. CONCLUSION: The value of mammographic needle lacalisation in the early diagnosis of breast cancer is undebateble. Among the cases 72 had malignant diagnoses, 6 of them (8.3%) were under age 40.29 of them (40.2%) were between ages 40-50 and 37 of them (51.3) were over age 50. The average size of the lesions were 1.5 cm. (0.4-3). In 37 cases only estrogen, in 37 only progesterone receptors vvere positive, while in 21 cases both receptors were positive. Mean disease free survival was 29.3 months (3.5 to 76).