This study; Ulcerative colitis patients is a descriptive and cross-sectional study in to investigate the quality of life.
Gastroenterology clinic and outpatient clinic of a university hospital who were treated in the study, fulfilling the criteria for recruitment and 100 patients with ulcerative colitis who accepted to participate were included in the study. Data were collected using Patient Identification Form, SF-36 Quality of Life Scale and SEO Clinic Activity Index; İt was evaluated by Mann Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H tests. Institutions surveyed and the required permits are obtained from the participants.
Half of the patients were female, and 40% aged 45 and over; Is there are no comorbidities in 66%. 39% of the patients with ulcerative colitis is 1-5 years, while 94% have not undergone any operation due to this disease. In 51% of patients with distal type of involvement has been found to be between 53% of the number of daily bowel movements 1-5. The quality of life of patients is at an intermediate level; married, male, 45 years of age and older individuals quality of life scores were significantly higher. SEO Clinic Activity Index average score of 165.41 ± 45.25 of individuals and the quality of life of individuals with the average of increase and has seen that there is a significant decrease in subscale scores.
Ulcerative colitis is a significant health problem affecting the quality of life. In conclusion; a moderate ulcerative colitis is that the quality of life of individuals; marital status, gender, age and activity level of the disease has been found to affect the quality of life. The problems experienced by patients with ulcerative colitis of the assessment of quality of life of individuals by providing an assessment of the treatment is thought to be understanding and help provide a better nursing care.