In this sutııdy, left ventricular diastolic functions of 32 normotensive obese women, without having cardiovascular disease and hyperlipıdemia (Body mass index BMI=34.18±8.6), waist to hip ratio (1.18±0.25) and 10 healthy subjects (BMI=21.91±1.77), waist to hip ratio (0.72±0.21) were compared with echocardiography. In conculusion, we could not observe any difference between obese patients and controls except a statistically significant decrease E/A ratio as result of decreases in velocities of both E (p<0.01) and A (p<0.05) waves. There were no difference regarding IVRT (Izovolumic Relaxation Time), DT (deceleration Time) and a waves between the two groups.
Diastolic Dysfunctions, Isovolumic Relexation Time