Our Clinical Approach To The Tongue Lesions: 123 Cases
P: 55 - 59

Our Clinical Approach To The Tongue Lesions: 123 Cases

Anatol J Gen Med Res 2011;21(2):55-59
1. Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi K.B.B. Kliniği, İzmir
2. Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Patoloji Labaratuvarı, İzmir
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Received Date: 2015-05-18T16:24:14


Aim: In this study, the hystopathology of tongue biopsies taken from suspicious lesions reviewed and tongue cancer patients treatment modalities and results are presented together. Material and Method: Between January 2001 and January 2010 the tongue masses detected 123 patients histopathologic results of biopsy materials were reviewed retrospectively. The treatment modalities and follow-up results of operated 27 patients in 35 patients with a diagnosis of cancer were evaluated. Findings: The histopathologic results of 123 patients with suspicious tongue lesions, have been reported as; follows 34 squamous cell carcinomas, 1 clear cell carcinoma, 15 pyogenic granulomas, 14 papillomas, 14 acanthosis parakeratosis, 13 ulcerous-chronic inflammation, 12 hemangiomas, 9 Irritation fibroma, 5 fibroepiteliyal polyp, 2 pseudoepiteliyal hyperplasia, 2 neuromas, 1 fibrovascular granulation tissue and 1 rabhdomyom. Twentyseven of the 35 patients who have been diagnosed with cancer operated in our clinic. Six patients (advanced stage) were evaluated as inoperable. Two patients refused surgery and referred to medical oncology. The types of glossectomy and neck dissection selected according to the condition of tumor, which are appropriate, as histopathologically diagnosed cancer patients. All patients were followed postoperative 12-108 months (median 24 months). Conclusion: The rapid spread tongue cancers; can be easily detected at early stages and metastases to the neck. As a result of an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment at an early stage in cancer surgery has the right proportions with the life quality. Our aim is to emphasize that all tongue masses is not cancer, if appropriate early treatment protocol is planned to patients diagnosed with cancer, survival and quality of life would be better compared with delayed cases.

Language, cancer, partialglossektomi