Background: Primary gallbladder pleomorphic sarcoma is a very rare type of tumor and the prognosis is not well known mainly due to limited number of cases reported. Here, we aimed to report a case with primary gallbladder pleomorphic sarcoma which diagnosis was based on morphology and immunohistochemistry
Case presentation: A 70- year- old male presented with a three months of abdominal pain in the upper right quadrant and weight loss. The patient reported a past medical history of chronic cholecystitis. With extensive radiological imaging, the patient was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer and simple cholecystectomy, with segment 4b and 5 resection of the underlying liver tissue and the pericholedochal lymph nodes were performed. The immunohistochemical analyses supoorted the diagnosis of primary gallbladder pleomorphic sarcoma. Patients postoperative course was unremarkable and he was discharged on postoperative 5th day and adjuvant chemotherapy was
Conclusion: Primary gallbladder pleomorphic sarcoma is a very rare histological type with an unclear pathogenesis. A better understandig of pathogenesis and treatment for this disease, with larger case series may be better addressed.