Aim: To search quality of life in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). Material and Method: This study was performed randomly among patients treated with the diagnosis of CRF and outpatient control group in between 5 October 2012 to 30 May 2013 in Tepecik Training and Research Hospital a total of 130 patients. In this study, socio-dermographic characteristics with a form that contains the properties of the SF-36 quality of life scale (The Item Short Form Health Survey MOS SF-36) was used. Findings: In our study, There were no statistically significant differences detected between groups in terms of mean age, gender, marital status. There was a significant negative correlation between quality of life and age. Single patients have higher quality of life but the difference was not significant. There was a significant negative correlation in quality of life scores in CRF and HD patients. There was no significant differences in quality of life in CRF patients either on HD treatment or not. Conclusion: As a result, we believe that, quality of life is worse in patients with CRF than the control group. To detect these risk factors, patients must be closely monitored and needs. more advanced scales developed