AIM: To evaluate the serum lipid profiles in patients followed by outpatient psychiatry clinic due to anxiety disorder MATERIAL and METHOD: Patients who have anxiety disorder and have no chronical disease (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia) were selected as the patient group from Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Medicine Psychiatry Outpatient-clinic and control group was selected from the patients in Family Medicine Outpatientclinic, between September 2009-February 2010. Demographic data questionnaire and Hamilton Anxiety Scale test were completed by the patients who accepted to take part in the study by having the informed consent. Their serum lipid profile was evaluated after at least 12 hours fasting. FINDINGS: Study was carried out with 71 women (55.9%) and 56 men (44.1%); total 127 patients. For Panic disorder group; statistical significance between low density lypoprotein and Hamilton anxiety rate (p: 0.020), triglyceride level and Hamilton anxiety rate (p: 0.046), total cholesterol and Hamilton anxiety rate (p: 0.038) was found. For generalized anxiety disorder group; there was a statistically significance between low density lypoprotein and Hamilton anxiety rate (p: 0019), total cholesterol and Hamilton anxiety rate (p: 0.003), high density lypoprotein (p: 0.011) and Hamilton anxiety rate was found. For obsessive-compulsive disorder patients; there was a statistically significance between low density lypoprotein and Hamilton anxiety rate (p: 0.031), total cholesterol and Hamilton anxiety rate (p: 0.000) was found. For all anxiety sub-groups; there was a significant relationship between low density lypoprotein and Hamilton anxiety rate. CONCLUSION: For anxiety patients; by routine monitoring of serum lipid profile, as well as psychiatric control, probability of the coronary artery diseases could be decreased.