Aim: To determine the socio-demographic features associated with anxiety and depression in pregnant women. Material and Method: 452 patients who consulted the Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient clinic of the Süleyman Demirel University between July 2009 and July 2010 have been involved in this study. The pregnants who were involved in the study have been applied a sociodemographic questionnaire form and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Findings: In our study, 28,8% (n: 130) of the pregnant had anxiety symptoms and 35% (n: 158) of the pregnant had depression symptoms. Socio-demographic features such as educational level, monthly income, occupation, working during pregnancy and smoking; pregnancy related conditions such as total gestation number, living child number and number of dead child and abortion were detected as the related factors with anxiety and depression symptoms during pregnancy significantly. Conclusion: Anxiety and depression are not seen infrequently in pregnants. Researching of the related factors about anxiety and depression in the pregnant women provides important contributions of their health education.