In Izmir there are 2 medical schools and 5 hospitals that have residents in medicine. 14 medical journals were published in 1991. 9 of the medical journals have been sponsored by the medical schools, 3 by hospitals of Ministry of Health, 1 by the foundation of Social Security Hospitals and 1 by a private hospital. 8 journals have been printed by private companies and 6 by the Printing Department of Ege University. 5 journals were printed in number of 1000, 6 of 500, 3 of less than 500.13 of the editors are phisicians, only one is a journalist. 11 of them were printed in Turkish, 2 in English and 1 bilingually (Turkish and English). 8 of the editors have mentioned that the facilities are quite unsatisfactory. Printing process takes almost 2 months for 10 journals, more than 2 months for 4. The main incomes of the journals published in Izmir are grants and founds. The subscribtion and add incomes are quite unsatisfactory to maintain the journal expences. The total cost of 1991 prints of the whole journals published in Izmir is 377 million Turkish Liras (75.000 $ US). 8 of 14 journals have been issued as delayed. Moreover 5 of them had to interrupt to issue for 1 to 3 years. The number of journals that completely and regulary issued is only 6.