We have investigate T. gondii,B. abortus and T. pallidum antibody levels in 96 sera obtaıned from women had abortus and stillbirth. 40 sera were positive for T. gondii specific IgG antibody by ELISA (%41,3) and only 3 of 96 sera were positive for T. gondii specific IgM antibody. Totally 7 of 96 sera showed positivity for abortus antibodies between 1/20 and 1/80 titers in Wright test (standart aglutination test). All of the sera were found negative for B. Abortus antibody by Rose-Bengal test. All of the sera were found negative on VDRL slide test and Kolmer Compleman Fixation test for Syphilis. These findings suggest that T. Gondii and B. Abortus infections are not infrequent in women with obstetric problems
T.gondii, B. Abortus, T. Pallidum, Abortus, intrauterine death, abortus, still birth.