AIM: To investigate the relationship between the respiratory capacity, exercise capacity, and quality of life in sarcoidosis patients. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Eleven patients who was followed as sarcoidosis and whose mean age was 51±12 (8F, 3M), were included. The pulmonary function test (FEVb FVC, FEV,/FVC, DLCO), respiratory muscle strength (Pimax, Pemax), general health-related and disease-spesific quality of life (SF-36 and St. George Quality of Life Questionnaires), exercise capacity (six-minute walking test), dyspnea and fatigue severity (Modified Borg Scale) were evaluated. FINDINGS: It was found that the most effected parameters among the pulmonary functions werc Pimax% (53.46±21.80) and Pemax (69.73±18.81) values, and the six minute vvalking distance vvas reduced (436.91 ±84.37 m). It was determined that the pulmonary capacity, ex ere ise capacity and quality of life parameters were eorrelated with each other (p<0.05). CONLUSION: Acoording to our results, exercise capacity and respiratory muscle strength of the patients with sarcoidosis were extremelly reduced. For this reason, it is considered that the assessment of the respiratory muscle strength and exercise capacity from the early period of the disease in the routine clinical evaluation could be helpful. It is suggested that pulmonary rehabilitation programs, which improve exercise capacity and quality of life, could be added into the Standard medical treatment of patients vvith sarcoidosis.