AIM: Acute myocard infarction (AMI) is described as celi damage and necrosis caused by serious and long acting ischemia. AMI is also one of the causes of sick euthyroid syndrome. The changes in free T3 (FT3) level is related inversely to the extent of necrosis. It is considered that the larger necrosis area, the more seriously decreasing level of F T3. Additionally, it is postulated that the decreasing of FT3 level is related to short term mortality rate in AMI. Our study is designed for invastigating this hypotesis. MATERIAL and METHOD: Theree group were made for the study. Group I, consited of 40 patients with AMI and received thrombolytic therapy. Group II, 40 patients with AMI but hadn't received thrombolytic therapy. And group III consists of 40 healty volunteers. TT3, TT4, FT3, FT4, TSH and CK-MB levels were taken from ali groups and results were evaulated statistically. RESULTS: In patients with AMI TT3, ST3 ve TT4 levels were lovver than control group but there vvas no difference in S-Tj ve TSH levels. In patients who received thrombolytic therapy TT4 levels were higher than the patients who had not. There vvas olsa a strong negative correlation beetvveen ST3 and CK-MB levels. CONCLUSION: Finally, we determined that the levels |of FT3 could be a marker of extent of necrosis area and that the early term changes of thyroid function tests could warn us about the high rate of mortality.