Ferritin and transferrin, as potential markers for cells undergoing division, as well as Na and K concentrations were investigated in serum and breast cyst fluid of 25 patients to determine breast cancer risk. Moreover, Na+ and K+ levels were measured in breast cyst fluids. The relationship between the levels of these two ironbinding proteins and the Na and K concentrations suggest to an increased local biosynthetic activity pointing out to a higher cancer risk. In this study, mean serum concentration of transferrin and ferritin has been found as 438.8+60.9 mg/dl and 73.2+41.7 ng/ml respectively. In breast cyst fluid, transferrin and ferritin mean values were 211.4+125.2 mg/dl and 373.2+170.2 ng/ml. Na/K ratio in breast cyst fluid, as a risk indicator, was bellow 2.0 in 19 of 25 patients.