106 cases with irıtraabdominal lesions diagnosed ultrasonographically had fine rıeedle aspiration biopsies under ultransonographic guidance. The aspirates obtained by 22 gauge Chiba rıeedle were diagnosed to be malignant in 88 cases (83%) and benign in 18 cases (17%). It was possible to reach cytologic differetial diagnosis in 64 cases, the patients were called for periodic control between 4 to 36 months. 79 true positive, 24 true negative and 3 false negative results were achieved in biopsies of the lesions in the liver, pancreas, lymph nodes, kidney, gallblader and adrenals. Biopsies were repeated in 3 cases, due to insufficient material. The sensitivity of the present study was 95%. No complications due to fine needle aspiration biopsy, but pain responding to analgesics was recorded in 4 cases only.