Bone Marrovv Transplation (BMT) is limited by the paucity of HLA matched donors and the frequent occurrence of GVHD (Graft Versos Host Disense). The use of umblical cord blood (UCB) may alleviate some of the problems associated with BMT. Human UCB is an excellent source of hematopoietic stem cells for research and BMT. We developed a simple and less invasive technique using branules,by which sufficien progenitor cell collection has also beeen provided. During the study we used four different methodes for UCB collection; "syringe only", "syringe+flush", "cut+drain" and "flush+cut+ drain". UCB samples were obtined from normal fullterm vaginal deliveries. Collections were made, while the placenta was still in utero. Of total 82 cases studied, "syringe only", group included 52 cases, while other 30 patients were distributed equally in other three groups. Cord blood harvests had volumes; of 94.1±24 ml (50-160), Hb; of %15.5±2.25 g, Htc; of %46.5±7.2, total MNC counts; of 70.4±32.1x107(29.5-203.0), mean NC counts; of 16.1±6.8xl09/lt (6.2-46.0), CD34(+) celi ratio; of %0.8±0.4(0.13-1.75), total CD34(+) cell counts; of 54.9±34xl05 (5.0-147.8). Comparison of all of the groups has shown, that there vvere no statistically significant difference in respect of Hb, Htc, total WBC and MNC values, the ratio and the number of CD34(+) cells (K. Wallis and M. Whitney-U tests)