Urachal carcinoma is an uncommon neoplasm associated with poor prognosis. A soft abdominal mass palpated below the level of umblicus in 48 year old woman admitted by the complaints of abdominal pain in our case report. CT scan revealed a mass of 13x10 cm consisted of solid and cystic components. Tumor was removed surgically. Ovaries and uterine tubes were normal but adhesions were present between the mass and uterine serosa. Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salphingoopherectomy was performed. Pathology was revealed urachal adenocarcinoma and there was urachal adenocarcinom infiltration on the uterine serosa too. The recurence was not detected in 2 years follow up. The urachus is the embryological remnant of urogenital sinus and allantois. Involution usually happens before birth and urachus is present as a median umbilical ligament. The pathogenesis of urachal tumours is not fully understood until now. The role of adjuvant theraphy is not clearly understood at the prognosis of the patients who diagnosed and underwent surgery with pelvic mass.