Aim: To analyse data such as hypertensive patients’ age, gender, medications, drug usage in our Outpatient Clinic of Family Medicine in a teaching hospital. Material and Method: The study was planned retrospectively. The population of the study was consisted of patients who were referred to Izmir Tepecik Education and Research Hospital Family Medicine Polyclinic and issued with antihypertensive medical reports between 03.09.2007 and 06.03.2013. Among 13951 patients, according to the sampling formula with number of known universe, 240 patients were included to the study. Hypertensive patients were scanned from hospital records, and age, gender, medical situation, and additional diseases were noted and the percentage distributions were calculated. Findings: 58 patients (24,2%) of the total 240 hypertensive patients were between 61-65 ages. 151 patients were (62,9%) woman and 89 (37,1%) were man. The most seen additional disease was diabetes mellitus (DM). 22 hypertensive patients (9,2%) were only presented with DM and 17 patients (7,1%) were only presented with hyperlypidemia. 15 hypertensive patients (6,2%) showed together with both diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease (CAD). Whereas, the number of showing CAD along with the diabetis was 7 (2,9%). For 5 patients (2,1%) hypertension was together with hyperlypidemia, CAD and DM. The most used drugs for monotherapy were anjiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. 9 patients (3,8%) were using ACE inhibitors. The most used two drug combination was anjiotensin reseptor blocker (ARB) plus hydroclorotiazid (HCT). 50 patients (20,8%) were using the ARB+HCT combination. 30 patients (12,5%) were using the calcium canal bloker+ ARB+HCT combination and that was the most used three anti-hypertensive drug combination. Conclusion: It was seen that when DM was added to hypertension, the risk of CAD increases. The most used antihypertensive agent in monothrepy was ACE inhibitors; for combined therapy ACE inhibitors plus HCT or ACE inhibitors plus ARB were mostly chosen. Besides this; ACE inhibitors and ARB were the most used drugs for triple drug combination.